Visiting Quilt Shops

I promised no Quilt Shops on this trip....
But we had to turn around to go the other way and the turn around 
just happened to be a Quilt Shop parking lot....
geeezzzeee I wonder how that happened....
good thing I was driving and Kelly was asleep...
hehehe... giggle.... giggle.....

This is in Florence Oregon and what a fun shop inside...

There were old sewing machines everywhere...
so fun!

Fun displays

fat quarters everywhere...

Quilts to the ceiling

Can you believe this YoYo Quilt ...
and there were 2 of them...
So glad I went the wrong way and had to turn around...


Unknown said...

oh, dear, it would have been VERY difficult to leave that shop without anything. I know I want the turquoise pillow!!!

Nancy Page said...

Whoa! Fantastic shop! Thank you for sharing.

Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

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